Cisco Packet Tracer 8 Download
Cisco Packet Tracer 8 Download
Finally, please read the copyright file at /usr/share/licenses/packettracer/COPYRIGHT for the End-user License Agreement (EULA) and the Supplemental End-user License Agreement (SEULA), and uninstall if you do not agree with them. If you agree, the program can be found under most menu systems in the Internet category, or you run the packettracer binary.
The Cisco Packet Tracer-based Assessment Environment Check is used to confirm that students can start packet tracer activities for assessments such as practice and final exams. It is critical that you have a working version of Java installed. Perform the check at to confirm whether or not this ability is functional.
To install all versions of packettracer except 7.2.2, follow this guidelines:1. Download the snapshot from this AUR.2. Tar -zxf the packettracer.tar.gz snapshot (it creates the dir packettracer/ with the PKGBUILD on it).3. Download the latest packettracer tarball from your Netacad account and copy it into the packettracer/ dir.4. Create the package with the command makepkg (it creates a packettracer.pkg.tar.xz).5. Install the package with either makepkg -i or sudo pacman -U packettracer.pkg.tar.xz. 2b1af7f3a8