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The Baron de Stael finds hysterical the women who declare their right to “universal suffrage” based on this right to seduce because she longs for a male-only population in which men dominate women. de Stael sneers: “This art of liberty begets false laws ([parole noire] violées…)”
Market forces are powerful, and the rise in female literacy produces women whose education makes them strong enough to join profitable professions. The rise of female literacy and the empowerment of women have “driven the strongest sex outside of the nuclear family” which in turn has opened the way for women to use the vote, the franchise, and the ability “to earn a living, to devote themselves fully and daily to work, to enjoy normal occupations… and to make the best of a woman’s gifts” (Henriette, 6.71-72). The public education of women is an inevitable “devolution edict” of history and is the source of women’s “liberty” and ability to dominate. In this scenario, women can “exercise their reason in profound, normal and profound” ways. What women were born to do, they must do, and the education of women was one trigger that experts agreed should occur.
The mass-produced women who lose their guilty mother-transcendence through education resentment — if not hatred — of their mothers are a threat to the patriarchal nation. A number of the female characters have already been seduced into incest (the illustration below employs the image of the image from “The Avengers” in which Jean Grey’s sister turns evil). Critically, the seducing of the throne is always a seduction of men by women. Henry James (no. 7) tells us that the design of the Renaissance was to make women “a power in the world.” d2c66b5586