Nas Remote Backup
This process is somewhat straight forward, but we will be utilizing an OpenVPN network interface on our remote NAS. This will allow us to connect to our remote NAS from our local NAS securely, without opening ports on our router.
2. Enter the server name or IP address, enable transfer encryption, and Trust the certificate. Then, enter the username and password, select the directory and give your backup a name!
I do not fully understand what the most secure option is. I have a static IP so a DDNS hostname is not really needed for me (right). I figured out that I can use hyperbackup to my (remote) public ip via port 6281. I set up the port forwarding on my remote router (and opened the port in my firewall) so everything works.
This will be a quick (DSM 7) tutorial to show how you can use two remote NAS devices and perform a Hyper Backup over the Internet while maintaining the security of your data both in transit and on the final destination.
As an example, let's say you own a NAS but you want to have an offsite backup as well. One thing you could do is use Synology's C2 platform, but in case you want to backup a large quantity of data (5+TB) it might turn out to be expensive.
Another thing you could do in a situation like that is to backup to a friend's or family remote NAS (and they can back up to yours). This will be beneficial for both parties as you will, all have a place to backup your data, it will be on a Synology compatible device, and you can encrypt it all the way so that there is no fear of your friend looking at your private content.
Now to make this work there are several things that need to be done on the destination location first. If you place yourself in the role of the user backing up to a location, you will have to just input the destination, username/password, and choose what to backup.
The destination side is what needs to be configured so that the user from that side can also be safe that you do not have access to anything other than the folder for your backup. On top of this, there are permissions to be set, user to be created, and port(s) that need to be open for all of this to work.
In the next step, you will have the option to select (or not) the encryption method. You can of course do it, but IMHO, it is not needed. The reason for this is that the client will configure this on their end anyway (as they should) for the task itself, and if you set encryption on the destination side (in this case) you will have to mount this folder and make sure it is mounted when the backup needs to initiate.
With this checkbox active, HyperBackup will create a local file (****.key) that will download to your computer as soon as you finish the wizard. This file will be the client-side key that you will need in order to access the data from your backup.
One last option you will have is backup rotations. Another optional step but if you want to have multiple versions of your backup with specific points in time (multiple versions of the same file that has changed over time), make sure to configure this to fit your needs.
The benefit of running this Hyper Backup setup is that even if your NAS is destroyed, you do not have to fear how will you access your data. Hyper Backup has all the major desktop client versions, so accessing your data will require a working PC, a desktop client, your encryption key, and a working backup with your data.
Just worth mentioning (what I did at the beginning) that this same process is identical if you chose Synology C2 as your backup destination. You can get to your data anytime, and from anywhere using the same desktop application. It is worth looking into it if you have no option to use a remote NAS, as well as if you don't need a massive amount of data backed up. Something to consider for sure.
Rsync is a network protocol that is used to synchronize files and directories from one location to another. It provides block level replication and is appropriate for use with files and data that are always changing. By providing block level replication, Rsync is able to offer incremental backup. Incremental backup allows for successive backup jobs (after your first backup job) to only copy data that has changed since your last backup job. For example, if you have made some small changes to a 10 MB file, incremental backup will only copy the portions that you have made changes to. By only transferring the differences between two sets of files, Rsync can help you to significantly reduce bandwidth usage.
ASUSTOR NAS is able to function both as an Rsync server and Rsync client which means you can either use your NAS as a centralized backup server or back up your NAS to another NAS or Rsync compatible server.
In this section we will enable the Rsync Server service and then proceed to create a backup module for storing backup jobs. Please remember that you must enable the Rsync Server service on an ASUSTOR NAS before you are able to use Rsync to back up to it.
In \"Pull Backup\", data from multiple sites are \"pulled\" onto the centralized backup server (NAS) for backup. The backup jobs are all initialized by the centralized backup server. The centralized backup server is able to schedule backup jobs at different times, thereby avoiding potential congestion and bandwidth issues.
In \"Rsync Server\", ASUSTOR NAS acts as a centralized Rsync backup server. The backup jobs are all initialized by their respective sites. The potential disadvantage of this setup is that too many sites initiating backup jobs simultaneously could lead to congestion and bandwidth issues.
Data from your NAS can be backed up offsite to a remote site for extra security. You can use the [Remote Sync] function found under the [Backup & Restore] system app to back up your NAS to either another ASUSTOR NAS or an Rsync compatible server. The main purpose of offsite backup is for disaster recovery in the event of environmental disasters, theft, and hard disk or other mechanical failures. With data already backed up offsite, disaster recovery efforts should be uncomplicated and straightforward.
Couple of notes. One will have to configure the router at the remote location to allow the rsync traffic to enter the remote network and be directed to the remote NAS. You will have to learn how to issue various Linux commands via SSH including how to issue Rsync commands and SSH commands to access a remote NAS. One can use their favorite Interent search engine to being reading up on how use Rsync to copy from one NAS to another.
You can follow the instructions mentioned in the below link to edit the settings for your My cloud device to perform a Remote backup. However, In order to configure settings for your other NAS device to accept the remote backup you would need to contact the original device manufacturer:
Officially, the ability to backup from one My Cloud to another will depend on the My Cloud model and the firmware it is running. Currently the second generation single bay My Cloud units running V2.x firmware DO NOT support being a backup target for another My Cloud. See the following WD Knowledgebase article that indicates which My Cloud units support being a backup target for another My Cloud device.
I will mention that (quite some time ago) I used a Synology NAS as a time-machine target disk, and I did get it to work, but found it to be highly error-prone. Not what you want in a backup. Also slow. I'm using a drive with a direct USB3 connection now and am much, much happier with that.
Time Machine over the internet works for me, even over a 1Mbps connection connection. Though you have to leave your Mac running for a bit longer to make sure each backup completes, so number of completed backups is going to be proportional to that bandwidth.
QNAP is known as a network attached storage (NAS) device manufacturer, and QNAP to QNAP backup refers to backing up files in QNAP NAS to another QNAP NAS. But what's the point to do that while NAS is already a reliable storage device
Hybrid Backup Sync (HBS) should be familiar to every QNAP NAS user. It integrates backup, restore and sync features to transfer files from QNAP NAS to local, remote or cloud storage for comprehensive data protection and disaster recovery.
4. Then select the destination directory, confirm the operation and click Apply. Optionally, you can set up a Schedule to run the QNAP to QNAP backup automatically, or tick Backup Now to execute the task immediately.
AOMEI Backupper Standard is a backup freeware working on all Windows PCs. It provides a simple way to complete data protection and disaster recovery tasks in an intuitive interface, and the functional advantages are also obvious.
If you want to backup QNAP NAS to Windows PC, just select a local directory as the destination. As for cloud drives, you can click the down arrow beside the destination select box, and choose Select a cloud drive, then select a cloud service accordingly.
Compared with Hybrid Backup Sync, AOMEI Backupper is a more compatible and simple solution to do NAS to NAS backup or sync. You can use it to backup QNAP to QNAP, Synology to Synology, or between different brands of NAS and even different kinds of storage devices.
The free version of AOMEI Backupper already covers most of your practical needs. For more powerful and convenient features, you can upgrade to higher editions. Even if you are a Server user that need to backup Windows Server to NAS device, the Server edition can perfectly suit your situation.
Hyper Backup provides an intuitive and complete backup/restore solution to help you retain/restore important data copies and restore application and system configurations to a previous point in time. It supports backing up data to a local shared folder, to external storage devices on the Synology NAS (such as USB), remote Synology NAS, file servers, and cloud services. This article demonstrates how to create a multi-version backup copy to a remote Synology NAS or file server. 59ce067264