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hello zakir ashraaf muhammed can you find me a pice of the sss6697 usb mass storage device the product is unknown and the vendor is solid state systems (S.S.S.)the device is a windows 98 compatible new environment can you find the part number for me so they can go to the merchant to help me??thankszakir
hello I have a t61 laptop with windows 98 i got a new usb mass storage device and cant find the spec its not even sss6697 i have loaded it in my laptop what can i do? is the sss6697 firmware available on the internet so i can purchase?pls help me with this it may not be possible to format this usb mass storage device will i be able to use it on my windows 98 desktop?thank uzaki
Zaki Ashraaf Muhammed please if you can find the info about SSS6697 please if you can find the info about SSS6697 please email me, Thank you for your help For more details and download links try this: The firmware can be also be updated using this sss6697 update utility: http://www.sss6697. d2c66b5586