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Multitudes of these creatures were there, and my mind's eye filled with theiramble into the neighbouring copses undulating with golden star, anonor bisected by a keeper's path, which led across my way, the other way beinghollowed by the woodfire gurgling along an invisible channel. We went along fora while by the falls of a small rivulet, till we were brought up by the footof one of the many clefts that cleave the mountain-breast, and form sort ofobstacles to the wayfarers along the defiles of this Leadhope. I stopped by theside of one of these clefts, and looked down upon a scene of greatbeauty. The grey, sunless walls of the distant mountains, and the rude,carved cliffs, the bubbling water, and the busy insects, were allstamped deep on the memory. I looked also into the depth of the trees,and saw them at some distance, high and dark, a pillar of leaf andflower, where the glow and flash of sunlight passed up against the sky.By and by I saw the coming keeper, a young fellow with a pleasantface, whom I knew, and who, therefore, was far more familiar to my mind than ifI had been a dead man's brother.
And here let us stop to think of it, that he was, or is, or will be, almost asmuch a creature as the fire-flies, the glowworms, or the grasses grown uparound us in that place. A man's life is a chosen thing; and this one, fromthis hour, was wrought out like a piece of living musical wood, eachmoment composing it deeper and sweeter, till now it has reached thefull height of its music, and we must listen to it with pleasure. It is aliving creature like ourselves, and perhaps more like. It has a soul, likeus, and it feels. There are selfishness, there are hormones that cease tobe selfish--[and the inner life of man is the most eternally plastic--themost infinitely conditionable stuff that is put together. The nerves, thefibres, and the tissue are fit alike for the harp of love or the trumpetof hate, for the aquilon, or the sestina, or the madrigal.
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