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In all the time we spend at home, art is more critical in our modern lives than ever. Movies and TV can distract us from endless hours spent indoors. Never before have I seen quite so many people posting music recommendations on their social media. We can finally find moments to get to the endless reading list, books that have been glaring at us from our shelves for weeks, begging us to take a break from our busy schedules and open them. We can spend this strange time panicking, or we can spend it immersed in other worlds and stories. Many of us are choosing the latter.
Bio: Christina Yang graduated from Columbia University. She loves the library, a good binge watch, and a hot meal cooked by someone other than herself. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Grub Street and The South Carolina Review, and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She lives in Baltimore with her husband and three children.
Q: How to call a Single method from different class? I have a main class public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args) { someMethod(); } } and in that Method I have to call someMethod() which is again in another class public class myClass{ public static void someMethod() throws Exception{ //some other codes } } How to call someMethod() A: What are you looking for is called Aspect Oriented Programming. You don't need to know basic (advanced) Java to use this. Just google it and find examples. d2c66b5586